jQuery Enhanced

Extensions are powerful modules that may be added to WPtouch Pro to enhance the appearance and performance of the mobile and/or desktop themes. The jQuery Enhanced extension is available as an add-on to your license. To add it to your license, go to http://www.wptouch.com/pricing.

Installation instructions for Extensions are here: Extensions

jQuery Enhanced

The jQuery Enhanced Extension adds improvement settings for jQuery use on mobile.

jQuery Enhanced is included in all WPtouch Pro license bundle.

After jQuery Enhanced has been installed and activated, its settings can be accessed in Extension > jQuery Enhanced

  • Enable jQuery Enhanced - Enable or disable jQuery Enhanced
  • Choose a version: - Select which version of jQuery to use. Note: jQuery 2.x does not include support for older mobile devices and operating systems. Can cause issues with other plugins that rely on older jQuery code. Use with caution. 
  • Load jQuery in the footer instead of the header - Select where jQuery should load on your website. When selecting the option to load jQuery in the footer, all other scripts dependent on jQuery will also load in the footer.

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