Updating WPtouch Pro

WPtouch Pro is designed to preserve your child theme customizations and settings through updates to its core code. All you need to do to stay up to date with the latest additions, improvements, and bug fixes is update the plugin. 

Notifications of available updates will appear in the WordPress Updates and Plugins areas.

Update Notification in WordPress

How to Update

There are two methods of installing a new release of WPtouch Pro.

It is recommended to backup your WPtouch Pro settings, your WordPress installation and database before making changes to your WordPress installation.

Automatic Update

Choosing "Update Now" from the banner beneath WPtouch Pro (in the WordPress Plugins area) will automatically fetch the update, install, and activate WPtouch Pro. 

FTP Update

To update via FTP:

  1. Download the current release of WPtouch Pro from your support dashboard. 

  2. Delete the installed version of WPtouch Pro using the WordPress Plugins delete link or remove the /wp-content/plugins/wptouch-pro-3/ directory via FTP. It is not possible to upload one version while another instance of the wptouch-pro-3 folder exists in the /wp-content/plugins directory.
  3. Unzip and upload the wptouch-pro-3 folder from the current release .zip file.
  4. Upload the unzipped wptouch-pro-3 folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory on your server.

Your WPtouch Pro update is now ready for activation. Activate it in the Plugins page in WordPress.


Your Customizations

Your customized child themes are saved in a separate location on your server and remain untouched during updates to the core code. This is the primary benefit of customizing your mobile theme through the use of child themes. More information on child themes can be found in the WordPress codex: http://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes. See this documentation for more information on working with themes in WPtouch Pro: Themes If you wish to relocate the directory that stores your custom uploads and files, see: Relocate wptouch-data Directory


WordPress may indicate that the version of the plugin is the latest when it is not. This is usually caused by cache plugins like W3 Total Cache when Database and/or Object Cache is enabled. 

To update the plugin, briefly deactivate W3 Total Cache in the Plugins page in WordPress and apply the update.
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