- Configuring cache plugins for WPtouch
- Known incompatibilities
- General troubleshooting process
- Contact Form 7 with reCaptcha
- Fonts, Arrows or Icons Do Not Display, or Display as Squares
- Deactivating plugins in your mobile theme
- Endurance Page Cache
- BWP Minify
- Google PageSpeed Insights results for WPtouch
- Themes or Extensions cannot be downloaded
- Shortcodes not showing up in WPtouch Pro
- Configuring Wordfence for WPtouch
- Clearing caches on your mobile device
- Upgrade from WPtouch Pro 3.x to WPtouch Pro 4.x fails
- WP Minify
- MobileStore and Web App Mode
- Releasing your WPtouch Pro license for site migration
- Default WPtouch Pro user agents
- Fixing 413 Upload Errors with Nginx
- Images appear stretched or excessively large images are loaded