Images appear stretched or excessively large images are loaded

Although WPtouch defines appropriate thumbnail and featured image sizes, WordPress only applies these to media added after WPtouch is activated. Old images must be re-processed to produce appropriately sized content using a tool such as the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin. We recommend making a backup of your site before regenerating your thumbnails.

Pixellated thumbnails

Today's high-DPI smartphone displays require higher resolution images to produce a crisp appearance. To provide this, WPtouch registers a larger thumbnail size with your WordPress installation. When an image with WPtouch thumbnail size is unavailable, the next smaller size is used. Reprocessing your media will ensure correctly-sized images are available.

Excessively large images

Similarly, images added to your site before installing and activating WPtouch may not have the appropriate image size available. WordPress returns the next-closest image, which may be a high-resolution version. Regenerating your post-thumbnails will ensure correctly-sized images are available for use in WPtouch.

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