Themes or Extensions cannot be downloaded
PHP Version
WPtouch Pro requires at least PHP 5.5. If you are not sure what version of PHP your server is running, please contact your web host. If it's not at least PHP 5.5, please ask them to upgrade to it. If you would like to do it yourself, you may view instructions here -
WPtouch Repair Required Error
When updating from WPtouch (free), you may see the an error stating that the theme cannot be installed. You can resolve this by installing WPtouch (free) again and activating it. Then, deactivate it but do not delete it.
Then, activate WPtouch Pro again and the issue should be resolved.
WPtouch themes and extensions are hosted in the cloud. They can be downloaded and installed through the Themes & Extensions admin area. After purchase, your new themes and extensions will be available to your websites directly through WPtouch Pro's settings panel
When a theme or extension cannot be successfully downloaded, it may be due to issues with the permissions set on the server, a server setup that relies upon Symlinks, or other infrequently encountered server issues. For issues affecting WordPress network installations (a.k.a. “Multisite”), see below.
In this situation, you may receive errors such as: "You server setup is preventing WPtouch from installing your active theme from the Cloud. Please visit this article for more information on how to fix it." or "The item failed to download for this reason: Unable to download the Cloud package.
If your website is hosted at or if your server configuration has allow_url_fopen to "Off", please contact your host and ask them to set it to "On". Sites using PHP < 4.2.4 can add following to the wp-config.php file to resolve the issue:
ini_set( 'allow_url_fopen', 1 );
Review Server Permissions
First, review your server setup to determine if WPtouch has access to create the files needed to support its themes and extensions: Server Setup – Permissions
If your general server permissions appear to be in order, try adjusting permissions only for the /wp-content/wptouch-data/themes and /wp-content/wptouch-data/extensions directories, as well as folders and files contained within those directories. Set permissions to 755 and go more relaxed to 777 if necessary. This can be done temporarily to perform the download and/or update of the themes and extensions, then reverted when completed.
When connected via FTP, right-click on the directory and select "Get Info" or "File Permissions". The exact wording will depend on the FTP client you are using.
If you're unable to set file directory permissions yourself, please contact your hosting provider and ask they set your permissions accordingly. Additional details can be found here –
Direct Download (WPtouch Pro 3.x only)
If you are unable to set permissions on your server, "Download" buttons will appear in the admin panel allowing you to manually download themes and extensions for inclusion in WPtouch.
When the theme .zip file has finished downloading to your computer, unzip the folder and upload unpacked themes to /wp-content/wptouch-data/themes and unpacked extensions to /wp-content/wptouch-data/extensions.
You should then be able to activate your newly installed additions in the Themes & Extensions admin area.
Blocked Server Access
Should the above all be in order, you may need to request that your hosting provider whitelist Amazon S3 ( as it hosts WPtouch's themes, extensions and plugin updates. Be aware that it will not be possible to whitelist just one IP as Amazon has dynamic IPs that are geo-populated and thus will change from time to time. Once access to Amazon S3 is allowed, you will have access to WPtouch Pro's cloud downloads/updates.
WordPress Network Installation
As of WPtouch Pro 3.1.1., the way licenses integrate with WordPress Network installations (a.k.a. “multisite” installations) has changed. This change has caused a small number of installations to suffer an issue where the full network of sites is only partially licensed.
Symptoms include:
Unable to download and install themes and extensions
Installations licensed under a Small Business, Developer/Agency, or Enterprise license may still display extensions that require an upgrade
Previously installed themes or extensions disappear
To resolve the issue:
Force the WPtouch Pro license panel to display in the admin area by adding the code below to the wp-config.php file found in the root of your WordPress installation:
Authorize the WPtouch Pro installation again.
Remove the code below from the wp-config.php file and save the file.
The WPtouch Pro installation should now have full access to BraveNewCloud themes & extensions.
/** Force display of the WPtouch Pro license panel **/ define ( 'WPTOUCH_FORCE_SHOW_LICENSE_PANEL', 1 );
If you continue to experience issues with downloading/installing themes or extensions, submit a ticket at and our support team will be happy to assist.