Simple Theme Settings

Simple Theme Settings in WPtouch Pro 4

Site Identity

The Site Icon is used as a browser and app icon for your site. Icons must be square, and at least 512px wide and tall. Select a .png, .jpg, or gif image file from your computer. The icon will be used when adding your website as as web-app to a mobile device, as well as the favicon.


WPtouch Pro's palette tool allows you to easily choose custom colors for your mobile theme. Click on the color you want to change to bring up a palette that's automatically filled with the colors used in your desktop theme. You may choose any of those colors or enter a hex color value. Revert to the default color by clicking on the "Default" button.


The settings in this section allows you to override your WordPress Settings only in your mobile theme. You have the options to set the number of posts to display in your latest post listing and exclude from displaying any posts and pages that use specified categories and tags. Posts marked as sticky will continue to display at the top of your post listing in addition to the number of posts set with this option.

To exclude posts and pages under particular categories or with particular tags, add the category or tag names to the relevant fields("Exclude Categories" and "Exclude tags" ) separating multiple items with commas.

Enable or disable a search box on blog pages. When enabled, it will be displayed in the footer area of the Simple theme.

CSS Effects

This option offers the ability to overlay a CSS-based texture effect on your selected background color and header areas. 

Custom CSS

Add custom CSS declarations to further customize your WPtouch Pro theme.

Featured Slider

The "Simple" theme offers a home page slider that displays the featured images from your posts. At least two posts must have featured images attached for the slider to function. Posts without assigned featured images will not be included in the slider. You may choose:
  • the maximum number of posts featured,
  • whether or not your slider transitions between images automatically,
  • whether your images continuously slide and repeat,
  • whether to use the images' colors or to apply a black and white effect,
  • whether or not the posts that display in the Featured Slider are also displayed in the post listing,
  • the speed at which the slides interchange, 
  • and from which posts you would like to source your slider's images.
    • When selecting to display posts from a specific category, enter the slug name of the category (not the category ID)
Images are automatically resized to the slider's dimensions.


WPtouch Pro offers a field where you may quickly and easily add code to be displayed in the footer code of your mobile theme, below the theme switch. You may include plain text or HTML.

Front Page Content

Text entered will display above the menu featured on the home page.


Logo images in .png and .jpg format may be uploaded for use in your mobile theme.

Homepage Call Us

Phone numbers may be entered in any format. When a phone number is entered, a “Call Us” menu item will be added to your mobile theme’s home page menu. When that “Call Us” menu item is selected, the device’s native dialing feature is triggered.

Homepage Location

When an address is entered, an “Our Location” menu item will be added to your mobile theme’s home page menu. When that menu item is selected, a Google Map of that location will be displayed under the menu.

Social Media Links

When you enter the full URLs of your social network pages, corresponding icons will display in the footer of all pages in your WPtouch Pro active theme.

Tiled Background Image

Images in .png and .jpg format may be uploaded for use as a tiled background in your mobile theme. Large images will be automatically scaled for optimal presentation on Retina displays. Smaller images will not be scaled to be larger. Select and upload the image you would like to use as the tiled background in Simple.


WPtouch Pro includes a selection of complementary Google Font pairings for use in your mobile theme. Font styles will be applied to the body text and headings of your site.

Simple Theme Settings in WPtouch Pro 3.x



The settings in this area allow you to override your WordPress Settings only in your mobile theme. You may set the number of posts to display in your latest post listing and exclude from display any posts and pages that use specified categories and tags.

Posts marked as


will continue to display at the top of your post listing in addition to the number of posts set with this option.

To exclude posts and pages under particular categories or with particular tags, add the category or tag names to the relevant fields separating multiple items with commas.


The default setting for WPtouch Pro is to disallow the comments area on pages. You may display comments on pages by enabling this option.

"Show comments on pages" allows you to show comments on WordPress pages.

"Custom latest posts page" allows you to set one of your WordPress pages as the location for your blog post listing. This is useful if you have customized your home page and need another page setup for your post listing. To use this feature, save a new, blank WordPress page with any title you like then assign it as your custom latest posts page. 

Page Zoom

This setting option allows you to enable or disable pinch and zoom capabilities on your mobile site. This setting is disabled by default in WPtouch Pro.

Featured Slider

The "Simple" theme offers a home page slider that displays the

featured images

from your posts. At least two posts must have featured images attached for the slider to function. Posts without assigned featured images will not be included in the slider. You may choose:

  • the maximum number of posts featured,
  • whether or not your slider transitions between images automatically,
  • whether your images continuously slide,
  • whether to use the images' colors or to apply a black and white effect,
  • whether or not the posts that display in the Featured Slider are also displayed in the post listing,
  • the speed at which the slides interchange, and
  • from which posts you would like to source your slider's images.

Images are automatically resized to the slider's dimensions.

Featured Slider Settings

Related Posts

When active, this setting displays thumbnails and excerpts of related posts below the main post's content area. Posts are "related" when they share tags. When there are no tags available, the related posts will be shown related by category. The maximum number of related posts may be set.

Login Form

Where user authentication is offered on a website, the login form may be enabled. The form provides a mobile interface for the native WordPress login page and is displayed as part of the mobile theme's menu.

There are options to display the "Sign-up" and "Lost Password?" links that also connect to the native WordPress functionality. The login form cannot be set up to connect to third-party authentication methods. 

Login Form - Simple Theme

Video Handling

Video may be added to a site in several ways. In addition, a particular desktop theme may have its own method of handling video. To cover as many methods as possible WPtouch Pro offers choices in how video is handled. If the default method is not proving successful for your particular desktop theme, try one of the other methods.

Video Handling Options

Resizing Fixed-Width Video Some auto-embed code provided by video services add or include fixed-dimension iframes to your posts and pages. When video widths are fixed to be wider than a device’s screen, native resizing abilities are overridden and video overflow is often the result.One method to try when working with fixed-width elements is to add custom CSS to WPtouch Pro that will modify the item. Adding the following to your child theme’s style.css file   per these instructions should allow a fixed-dimension iframe to reflow to any device’s screen width:  
iframe { width: 100% !important;}
 Best practice is to avoid using fixed dimensions. Where possible edit embed code to use percentages for width definitions rather than pixels or ems.


Theme Colors

WPtouch Pro's palette tool allows you to easily choose custom colors for your mobile theme. Click on the color you want to change to bring up a palette that's automatically filled with the colors used in your desktop theme. You may choose any of those colors or select "palette" to select a custom color. Hex color values such as #5195b3 may be entered in the palette as well. Colors may be selected for the header background, theme background, and links of your mobile theme.

Theme Colors - Branding

Site Logo

Logo images in .png and .jpg format may be uploaded for use in your mobile theme. Large images will be automatically scaled to a maximum width of 1136px for optimal presentation on Retina displays. Smaller images will not be scaled to be larger. Uploaded images are saved to:

  • /wp-content/wptouch-data/uploads/ if you have a single-site WordPress installation, or
  • /wp-content/wptouch-data/YOUR_SUBSITE_ID/uploads/ if you have a WordPress network installation.

Smart App Banner

If you have an app available for download on Apple's App Store, you may enter its app ID and WPtouch Pro will display its Smart App Banner above the header of your mobile theme. You may locate your App Store ID through Apple's Link Maker tool:

Theme Footer

WPtouch Pro offers a field where you may quickly and easily add code to be displayed in the footer code of your mobile theme, below the theme switch. You may include plain text or HTML.

Tiled Background Image

Images in .png and .jpg format may be uploaded for use as a tiled background in your mobile theme. Large images will be automatically scaled for optimal presentation on Retina displays. Smaller images will not be scaled to be larger. Uploaded images are saved to:

  • /wp-content/wptouch-data/uploads/ if you have a single-site WordPress installation, or
  • /wp-content/wptouch-data/YOUR_SUBSITE_ID/uploads/ if you have a WordPress network installation.

CSS Effects

This option offers the ability to overlay a CSS-based texture effect on your selected background color and header areas.


WPtouch Pro includes a selection of complementary Google Font pairings for use in your mobile theme. Font styles will be applied to the body text and headings of your site.

Footer Social Links

When you enter the full urls of your social network pages, corresponding icons will display in the footer of all pages in your mobile theme.

Bookmark Icons

Icon Upload

Images in .png and .jpg format may be uploaded for use as a home screen icons on iOS and Android-based devices. If no icon is specified, the default iOS icon will be used.

  • Android icon – 96 x 96 pixels
  • iPhone / iPod Touch icons – 120 x 120 pixels 

    Uploading Bookmark Icons in CMS Theme

Custom Content

Homepage Call Us

Phone numbers may be entered in any format. When a phone number is entered, a “Call Us” menu item will be added to your mobile theme’s home page menu. When that “Call Us” menu item is selected, the device’s native dialing feature is triggered.

Homepage Location

When an address is entered, an “Our Location” menu item will be added to your mobile theme’s home page menu. When that menu item is selected, a Google Map of that location will be displayed under the menu.

Our Location - Simple Theme

Front Page Content

Text entered will display above the menu featured on the home page.

Web-App Mode

Detailed information on Web-App Mode, which is an option that is shared across themes, can be found at Web-App Mode.


Detailed information on adding advertising content to your mobile theme, an option that is shared across themes, can be found at Advertising.

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