Selecting and customizing menus

Menu Settings in WPtouch Pro 4

Menu Setup

The menu settings in WPtouch Pro 4 are handled in the WordPress Appearance > Menus settings. Click the "Go to Menu Settings" button from the Menu Settings section in WPtouch Pro or access the settings directly via Appearance > Menus.

You may create a new menu or assign an existing one to WPtouch Pro by selecting the location in Menu Settings > Theme locations.

Menu Options

Enable parent items as links - When this setting is enabled, parent items will be linked to their corresponding URL. When disabled, parent items will only toggle items. If the setting is enabled, child items can be toggled using the dropdown arrows next to the parent menu item.

Use menu icons - Enable or disable the display of menu icons.

Menu Icon Sets

WPtouch Pro makes hundreds of icons available for use in your mobile themes. Icon sets that are installed or that are available for download and installation are listed. To install additional icon sets from the available downloads, click the “Install” button next to the desired set. The icon set will then be automatically downloaded and installed. 

Menu icons can then be managed in Appearance > Menus. To manage menu icons, expand the menu item when editing your menu. Click on the "Change Icon" button and select the icon of your choice. When finished assigning custom icons, click the "Save Menu" button to save your changes.

Custom Icons

The Icon Upload tool allows you to add custom icons to be used in your WPtouch Pro mobile theme menu(s). Icons must be in .png, .jpg, or .gif format and will be automatically resized for display. 

WPtouch Pro allows extensive customization of the menus used in your mobile theme. Each mobile theme comes with its own set of menu options and styles. You may further customize each default menu with the options provided or with custom CSS. Menu options are not shared across themes.

Using a Custom WordPress Menu

With a custom menu you have full control of the items that appear in the menu of your mobile theme. Your menu can include posts, pages, categories, or custom URLs and display them in any order you like, including nesting menu items.

  1. Create and name a custom WordPress menu in Appearance > Menus. (Additional information is available in the codex:
  2. To use your custom WordPress menu in WPtouch Pro, go to Menus > Theme Menus and select your new custom menu for your primary or secondary mobile menu (if your active mobile theme offers multiple menus).
  3. Save your changes.

Theme Menu Options

Choose a Menu

Each theme offers the option to use a list of your WordPress pages as your mobile menu or to select one of your existing WordPress menus.

To offer a set of menu items that is unique to your mobile theme, you may create a WordPress menu exclusively for this purpose. A WordPress menu that is not specifically called by your desktop theme will not be displayed to desktop browsers. This means your custom mobile menu will remain available to mobile devices only.

Menu Options

Some themes offer additional options such as multiple menus, a home page menu, or different menu styling."Enable parent items as links" allows you to enable or disable the active link on a menu item that has sub-items assigned.[tag][/tag] "Use menu icons" allows you to remove all icons from your menu items leaving only plain text for each item.

Menu Setup

To customize the icons used in your mobile theme's menu, you may choose to use the icon sets available through the WPtouch Pro admin panel or upload custom icons.The Menu Setup admin panel displays the active menu(s) for your mobile theme on the left and the active icon set on the right. Active menus may be managed in the "Theme Menus" section. Active icon sets may be managed in the "Icon Upload & Sets" section.To exclude an item from the active menu, disable it via the "Show/Hide" checkboxes. 

Show/hide Menu

To associate icons with menu items, drag the icon to the desired menu item then save your settings.

Menu Icon Setup

The icon tools at the bottom of the left panel allow you to:

  1. Change the default icon for all your non-customized icons at once. Once changed, the icon setting will remain as the new default. To revert the new default icon to its original setting, the WPtouch Pro settings must be reset.

  2. Reset any individual icon to the default icon.

    Set all icons at once

Icon Upload & Sets

WPtouch Pro allows you to manage as many icons and sets of icons for use in your mobile theme as you like. You may choose from the selection of default icons sets made available through WPtouch Pro or upload your own custom icons.

Icon Upload

The Icon Upload tool allows you to add custom icons to be used in your WPtouch Pro mobile theme menu(s). Icons must be in .png, .jpg, or .gif format and will be automatically resized for display.

Uploaded Icons

Individual icon files that have been uploaded will appear in the "Uploaded Icons" area. Uploaded files are saved to your server. The specific location on your server will depend upon whether you have a single site WordPress installation or a WordPress network:

  • If you have a single WordPress installation, your icons will be saved in the directory located at /wp-content/wptouch-data/icons/custom/.
  • If you have a WordPress network installation, your icons will be saved in the directory located at /wp-content/wptouch-data/YOUR_SUBSITE_ID/icons/custom/.

If your server prevents uploads through the WordPress interface, you may upload your icons to the /icons/ directory using FTP. Be sure to review this documentation on server setup to ensure your server environment is WPtouch Pro-friendly: Server Setup - Permissions

Icon Sets

WPtouch Pro makes hundreds of icons available for use in your mobile themes. Icon sets that are installed or that are available for download and installation are listed. To install additional icon sets from the available downloads, click the “Install” button next to the desired set. The icon set will then be automatically downloaded and installed. 

Install Icon Sets

Custom icon sets may be added to WPtouch Pro by creating a new directory on your server for each icon set desired:
    • If you have a single WordPress installation, create your new directory inside /wp-content/wptouch-data/icons/.
    • If you have a WordPress network installation, create your new directory inside /wp-content/wptouch-data/YOUR_SUBSITE_ID/icons/.

Location of a custom Icon Set

Icons may be uploaded to the icon set directory by FTP. Icons must be in .png, .jpg, or .gif format and will be automatically resized for display. For your custom icon set to register with WPtouch Pro, it needs to contain a plain text file named "" with information about your custom set. At miminium, the file must include the name of the icon set and its author: Name: My Icon Set #1 Author: Me Description: My custom icons designed by me. Background: Light When successfully created, your custom icon set will be listed in the "Icon Sets" area of WPtouch Pro.

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