Preparing your server for WPtouch

If you are not experienced or comfortable modifying your server settings, contact your hosting provider for assistance. Regular backups are highly recommended when making any customizations to server settings.

Directory Permissions

Increase permissions in the /wp-content/ directory to allow WPtouch the server access it requires. Set permissions at 755 to start. If further access is required, you may grant permissions as needed.

If you cannot install icons and/or themes/extensions after setting permissions to 777, the case is usually that the web server operates under a different user than the owner of the PHP file. You can get around that but installing something like suPHP or mod_ruid2, which causes PHP to take on all the permissions of whoever owns the file. Please contact your host about installing the suPHP or mod_ruid2 module on your server.

More information on directory permissions can be found in the codex:

Memory Limit

In instances where there are limited or shared resources (such as in a shared-hosting environment) the addition of WPtouch can cause WordPress and other plugins to run out of memory.

This can usually be addressed by increasing the memory limit set in the wp-config.php file.

define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '64M');

to the wp-config.php file (in its editable area) tells WordPress to use 64 megabytes of memory. You can increase the number, to increase the allotted amount of memory to test if that fixes your problem. If that fails, you can try adjusting the memory limit set in the php.ini file as well as detailed in the codex:

Disk Space Limit

When available server space is insufficient to accommodate the WPtouch plugin, you may receive an error message such as “Disk space limitation has been reached” or similar. Remove files that are no longer needed or contact your hosting provider to increase the total disk space on your hosting account.

Corrupt Installation

Sometimes an installation of the plugin fails to complete or a file is corrupted in process. This can occur whether WPtouch is installed through the WordPress Plugins admin interface or through FTP upload.

A failed installation can be hard to detect. Symptoms include blank portions of the WPtouch admin panel or the inability to save settings or create child themes.

To reinstall WPtouch, deactivate it in the WordPress Plugins admin area, delete WPtouch, then reinstall following our Installation Guidelines. Be sure any failed uploads (found in your wp-content/upgrade directory) have been removed before reinstalling and reactivating.

Directory Structure

WPtouch relies on the creation of several directories to function properly. In most cases, these directories will be created for you automatically. Some server configurations are so restrictive that WPtouch is unable to create these directories. In those cases they must be created manually.

WPtouch creates directories inside the WordPress /wp-content/wptouch-data/ directory and, if you have a WordPress network, the /wp-content/wptouch-data/YOUR_SUBSITE_ID/ directory in order to store custom themes, icons, and debugging information.

The main WPtouch data directory is located at /wp-content/wptouch-data/ and /wp-content/wptouch-data/YOUR_SUBSITE_ID/ in a WordPress network. Sub-directories and their location in the directory hierarchy are:


If these empty directories were not created during the initial installation, you may create them manually.

Although many features will still work without these directories, WPtouch relies on their existence for several features, including theme customization and debugging.

Outdated Version of PHP

WPtouch is continually updated to be compatible with the most current versions of WordPress and PHP. Most of the time if you activate WPtouch and get a “500 Internal Server Error” it means you are using an outdated version of PHP that is incompatible with WPtouch.

Most hosting providers have an option to use PHP5 for each directory. Request that your hosting provider enable that option.

PHP Safe Mode

When uploading plugins or other files via WordPress, you may encounter an error message saying the file you uploaded “could not be moved”. One of the causes of this and other similar error message is having PHP Safe Mode set to ON in your server settings.

PHP Safe Mode has been deprecated in PHP 5.3.0. For earlier versions, it is highly recommended that PHP Safe Mode be set to “OFF” in your PHP configuration. If you do not have access to the php.ini file or are not comfortable editing this file, please contact your hosting provider for assistance.

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