Common customizations for WPtouch themes
Hide the inter-post (previous/next) navigation
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme:
.nav-controls { display: none; }
Remove page and/or post titles sitewide
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme: { display: none !important; }
Header image expands entire header area
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme:
#header-title-logo { background-image:url('/path-to-the-logo-image') !important; background-position:center center; height:60px; background-size:100% 100%; }
Classic Redux
Make the header and dropdown menu sticky
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme:
#header { position: -webkit-sticky !important; left: 0 !important; right: 0 !important; top: 0px !important; } #menu { position: fixed !important; }
Add a tiled background image
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme:
.page-wrapper { background-image: url(YOUR-IMAGE-URL); }
Remove post meta (author & date)
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme:
.post-meta { display: none; }
Hide the search icon
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme:
.icon-search:before { display: none; }
Hide the tablet menu & allow full-width conten
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme:
.tablet #menu { display: none !important; } .tablet #header .site-title a, .tablet #slider, .tablet ul.dots, .tablet #content, .tablet .footer, .tablet .wptouch-mobile-switch { width: 100% !important; }
Hide the titles on featured slider images
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme:
.featured-title { display: none; }
Replace the placeholder thumbnail in the post listings
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme:
.post .placeholder { content: url(URL-TO-THE-IMAGE-HERE) !important; }
Replace the placeholder thumbnail in the latest post listing
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme:
.icon-camera-retro:before { content: url(YOUR-IMAGE-URL); }
Remove the placeholder thumbnails in the latest post listing
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme:
.entry-inner { margin-left: 0px !important; } .placeholder { display: none; }
Hide the inter-post (previous/next) navigation
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme:
#nav-controls a { display: none; }
Hide the search icon
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme:
a#search-menu-button { display: none; }
Remove the featured title
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme:
.featured-title { display: none; }
Remove post meta (author & date)
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme:, { display: none; }
Remove page and/or post titles sitewide
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme:
.post-head-area { display: none; }
Remove page title only on the home page
Removing the page titles from the home page but not from the rest of the site requires customization of the page-content.php file in a copied child theme.
- For single WordPress installations, modify the page-content.php file located at /wp-content/wptouch-data/themes/YOUR_NEW_THEME/default/page-content.php.
- For a WordPress network installation, modify the page-content.php file located at /wp-content/wptouch-data/YOUR_SUBSITE_ID/themes/YOUR_NEW_THEME/default/page-content.php.
To remove the title from the home page in a child of CMS theme, replace the contents of the copied page-content.php file with the code here: The added function (see the commented section in the code) determines whether the active page is the home page or not. If the home page is active, the theme will not display the page title; if the home page is not active (and is, by default, any other page), the theme will display the page title. More information on this !is_front_page() conditional tag can be found in the WordPress Codex: The function added to page-content.php is: if( !is_front_page() ) : endif;
Allow full-width logo
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme:
#header-area img { width: 100%; height: auto; }
Remove meta from post head area
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme:
.post .post-head-area span{ display: none; }
Hide the titles on featured slider images
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme:
.featured-title { display: none; }
Remove page and/or post titles sitewide
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme:
.post-head-area { display: none; }
Remove page title only on the home page
Removing the page titles from the home page but not from the rest of the site requires customization of the page-content.php file. In Simple theme, this core file needs to be copied from Foundation theme and placed inside your copied child theme before it can be customized.
- For single WordPress installations, paste the duplicate page-content.php file in /wp-content/wptouch-data/themes/YOUR_NEW_THEME/default/.
- For a WordPress network installation, paste the duplicate page-content.php file in /wp-content/wptouch-data/YOUR_SUBSITE_ID/themes/default/.
To remove the title from the home page in a child of Simple theme, replace the contents of the copied page-content.php file with the code here: The added function (see the commented section in the code) determines whether the active page is the home page or not. If the home page is active, the theme will not display the page title; if the home page is not active (and is, by default, any other page), the theme will display the page title. More information on this !is_front_page() conditional tag can be found in the WordPress Code Reference: The function added to page-content.php is: if( !is_front_page() ) : endif;
All Themes
Hide login link in menu
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme:
.wptouch-menu .login-link { display: none; }
Remove post meta (time)
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme:
.time-author { display: none; }
Replace the social network icon
Modify the following CSS as needed for the icons you want to replace. Use a browser inspector tool to determine the relevant selector for each social icon:
.icon-facebook:before { content: url(YOUR-IMAGE-URL); }
Remove box shadow from blog listing post titles
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme:
.entry-inner { box-shadow: none; }
Change the color or size of the feature slider's titles
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme:
#slider p.featured-title { font-size: 10px; color: #777777; }
Change the color of the navigation dots on the feature slider
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme:
.dots li { background-color: #f50000; } .dots { background-color: #f50000; }
Change the color of the post background area
Add the following custom CSS to your mobile theme:
.box { background-color: #f50000; }
Add a sidebar & widgets to the footer
You may add a sidebar to the mobile theme by adding the following code at the end of the root-functions.php file in your child theme. A child theme can be created manually, or via the Make Child Theme extension.
'WPtouch Bottom', 'id' => 'wptouch-bottom-1', 'description' => 'WPtouch sidebar for the bottom of the content' ) ); } function output_my_sidebar_at_bottom() { dynamic_sidebar( 'WPtouch Bottom' ); }
- In single WordPress installations, the root-functions.php file will be located at /wp-content/wptouch-data/themes/YOUR_NEW_THEME/.
- In a WordPress network installation, the root-functions.php file will be located at /wp-content/wptouch-data/YOUR_SUBSITE_ID/themes/YOUR_NEW_THEME/.
Once that code is saved, you may add widgets as you normally would through the Appearance > Widgets area of the WordPress admin area. The newly added sidebar will be named "WPtouch Bottom". To style your sidebar and widget content, add custom CSS: Adding Custom Styling.
After adding a widget to WPtouch Pro, you may notice bullet points to the left of them. To remove them, add the code below to Appearance > Customize > Custom CSS.
.widget, .widget_text { list-style-type:none !important; }
add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode');
Add the featured slider to a custom template
Using a WPtouch Pro child theme, in /wp-content/wptouch-data/_THE_MOBILE_CHILD_THEME_/default/header-bottom.php, change
where 'page-id-or-slug-name' is the ID of the page you would like to display the Featured Slider on, or its slug name.